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A single wind turbine, seen through long grass and silhouetted against a stormy sky.

The climate footprint across the IKEA value chain

By FY30, we are committed to becoming climate positive by reducing more greenhouse gas emissions than the IKEA value chain emits, while growing the IKEA business. This will be achieved without relying on carbon offsetting. In this way we contribute to limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5°C by the end of the century.

Becoming climate positive means reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from the IKEA value chain in absolute terms in line with the 1.5°C target while contributing to additional reductions in society. To reduce more than we emit, we will go beyond the IKEA business and contribute to additional reductions in society by taking an extended responsibility for emissions generated by our customers and suppliers, and in our sourcing areas – not just the part for IKEA.

Download the Climate Report FY22 (PDF, 5.64MB)

Climate footprint at each stage of the IKEA value chain

25.8 million tonnes CO₂ eq (FY22)

  • Materials: 52.2%
  • Food ingredients: 3.1%
  • Production: 8.2%
  • Product transport: 4.9%
  • IKEA retail and other operations: 2.0%
  • Co-worker commuting and business travel: 0.8%
  • Customer travel and home deliveries: 8.1%
  • Product use at home: 13.7%
  • Product end-of-life: 6.2%
  • Other: 0.8%

Materials (52.2%)

Goal for FY30: Goal under development.

  • 12.1
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 13.6
  • 13.5

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Food ingredients (3.1%)

Goal for FY30: To reduce the food-related greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms by 25%, or a 38% relative reduction in food-related greenhouse gas emissions per calorie, compared to baseline year FY16.

  • 0.86
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 0.70
  • 0.81

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Production (8.2%)

Goal for FY30: To reduce the absolute greenhouse gas emissions from production by 80% compared to baseline year FY16.

  • 3.4
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 2.3
  • 2.1

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Product transport (4.9%)

Goal for FY30: To reduce the absolute greenhouse gas emissions from product transport by 15% compared to baseline year FY17.

  • 1.4
    FY17 (Baseline)
  • 1.3
  • 1.3

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

IKEA retail and other operations (2.0%)

Goal for FY30: To reduce the absolute greenhouse gas emissions from IKEA retail and other operations by 80% compared to baseline year FY16.

  • 0.55
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 0.60
  • 0.53

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Co-worker commuting and business travel (0.8%)

Goal for FY30: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from co-worker travel by 50% in relative terms per co-worker compared to baseline year FY16.

  • 0.33
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 0.20
  • 0.20

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Customer travel and home deliveries (8.1%)

Goal for FY30: To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from customer travel and home deliveries by 50% in relative terms (per store customer) compared to baseline year FY16.

  • 2.1
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 2.1
  • 2.1

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Product use at home (13.7%)

Goal for FY30: Goal under development

  • 6.4
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 4.4
  • 3.5

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).

Product end-of-life (6.2%)

Goal for FY30: Goal under development

  • 1.7
    FY16 (Baseline)
  • 1.7
  • 1.6

Climate footprint (Million tonnes CO₂ equivalent).
